Tick! Tick! Tick! The countdown has begun. In less than two weeks, a new session would commence. What emotion does this stir up in you? Anticipation? Anxiety? Joy, or perhaps mixed feelings. Whatever the case, there must be tangible reasons why you feel that way. For the majority of parents, school bills are being calculated. And as for the children, the demand for new school stuff will soon begin, and that’s if they haven’t already.
We at Holden Park School hope our pupils have had a fun-filled holiday. We can’t wait to have them back for the upcoming school year which begins 12th September. To ease your anxiety and help you prepare for resumption, here are a few Back to School tips.
Take the time to read up mails, text messages or WhatsApp chats that the school has sent in the recent past.
Get the children back into an earlier sleep pattern, and get them up at the time they need to wake up for school. This would help them quickly adjust to the school routine on resumption
Try getting your children’s school needs soonest to avoid the hassle of last-minute buying
Get your children out of the holiday mood.
Have a heart-to-heart talk with your child. Tell them that they can always do better